Monthly Archives: November 2020

SABBA 2020 Holiday Party – Unfortunately, Cancelled or Reset


The San Antonio Bankruptcy Bar Association will NOT meet in their annual affair to honor and thank the Bankruptcy Clerk’s office this December.

The SABBA Officers and Board have determined that the Holiday Party for December,  2020, is cancelled due to Covid-19 health and transmission concerns.  There are options to reset for a late winter, early spring event, possibly outside. It could still be catered and a fun event, and that will  be discussed later.

Let this be our Thanks to the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office, till then, and Happy and Safe Holidays to all!

Natalie Wilson, President
and Officers and Board, SABBA

2020 ….





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November 2020 Meeting – THE STATE OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by Chief Judge Ronald B. King

The monthly meeting for November, 2020 will be held on Tuesday, November 24,  2020 as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

Social* begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by an informative presentation at 5:30 p.m.

*(Comestibles and libations are the participant’s own responsibility).


The presentation for November is the STATE OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by  Judge Ronald B. King, Chief U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas.

Case Law Update, below:
(click at the bottom of page one and your browser will provide arrows for add’l pages)

SABBA Case Summaries FINAL 11 -20 J King

Court homepage information regarding Judge King