Category Archives: Monthly Meetings – 2020

January 2021 Meeting – “Cybersecurity: What Lawyers Need to Know” by Paul Guido, CISSP.

The monthly meeting for January, 2021 will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

Social* begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by an informative presentation at 5:30 p.m.

*(Comestibles and libations are the participant’s own responsibility).


The presentation for January is “Cybersecurity: What Lawyers Need to Know” by Paul Guido, CISSP.

November 2020 Meeting – THE STATE OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by Chief Judge Ronald B. King

The monthly meeting for November, 2020 will be held on Tuesday, November 24,  2020 as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

Social* begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by an informative presentation at 5:30 p.m.

*(Comestibles and libations are the participant’s own responsibility).


The presentation for November is the STATE OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by  Judge Ronald B. King, Chief U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas.

Case Law Update, below:
(click at the bottom of page one and your browser will provide arrows for add’l pages)

SABBA Case Summaries FINAL 11 -20 J King

Court homepage information regarding Judge King


This information was requested to be sent by SABBA President Natalie Wilson:

SABBA Members Please Notice:



The current 14-year term of U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Craig A. Gargotta of the Western District of Texas will expire September 30, 2021. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit is considering whether to reappoint Judge Gargotta to a new 14-year term. Upon reappointment, Judge Gargotta would continue to exercise all jurisdiction permitted a bankruptcy judge under federal law. Members of the bar and the public are invited and requested to submit comments for consideration by the court before it decides whether to reappoint Judge Gargotta to a new term. All comments will be kept CONFIDENTIAL and should be directed to Mr. Theodore P. Cominos, Circuit Executive, 600 Camp Street, Room 100, New Orleans, LA 70130 or email to

Comments must be received by Friday, November 6, 2020.



Judge Gargotta


About Judge Gargotta – Information  from U.S. Bankruptcy Court, W.D. of Texas



October 2020 Meeting – Presentation by the Honorable Craig A. Gargotta, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge – “Documents Don’t Speak For Themselves—Common Evidentiary Misconceptions in Bankruptcy”


The monthly meeting for October, 2020, will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 as an ONLINE CONFERENCE.

Social* begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by an informative presentation at 5:30 p.m.

*(Comestibles and libations are the participant’s own responsibility).


The presentation this month will be “Documents Don’t Speak For Themselves—Common Evidentiary Misconceptions in Bankruptcy” by the Honorable Craig A. Gargotta, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge.

Join the Honorable Craig A. Gargotta of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas as he discusses several commonly misused and misunderstood rules of evidence, as well as best practices for admitting or excluding evidence in bankruptcy.


Display or Download PowerPoint at this Link:
SBBA Evidence – J Gargotta 10-2020




Judge Gargotta


About Judge Gargotta – Information  from U.S. Bankruptcy Court, W.D. of Texas


The invitation to the Zoom Conference is in the email sent to you, notifying you of this meeting.

CLE CREDIT will be provided to participants. Following the session, please email your name and State Bar number to Trey White at

To prevent any zoom-bombing, the Zoom administrator will lock the meeting by 5:40 p.m. Once the meeting is locked, no one will be able to get in, even with the password. A recording of the session is anticipated, so that may be made available to anyone who can’t attend the meeting. Upon viewing the session, they can apply for CLE credit through the State Bar of Texas.

